略歴 Biography


近年の主な活動に、KyotoSteam2022(京都市京セラ美術館)、第16回shiseido art egg賞グランプリ(2023/資生堂ギャラリー)、共振展(2024/本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館)など。

From an interest in the intangible and indiscernible realms inherent in the environment/surroundings of individual and collective entities, Soma Sato attempts to create emergent mediums/spaces/relationships by hybridising entangled realities that are unfolded through interdisciplinary research and fieldwork.

Recent career highlights include the 23rd Japan Media Arts Festival (2020) where his work was a Jury Selection in the Art Division, KyotoSteam2022 (Kyoto City Kyocera Museum of Art, Kyoto), and Grand prize for the 16th shiseido art egg award(2023/Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo).